[Intern] Day 44

Dear SSG-Students,

This message is for you (especially the Brazil-T-shirt, the Pink-T-shirt, king of kicker, malo and face-in-the-dark) in case you were so curious that even Chinese cannot keep you from reading my blog.
Since you’ve so easily found my blog, I think that it might not be secure to write your real names on the internet, for your future reference.
To better protect your privacy, I decided to ENCODE your names in CHINESE. :) If you want to know whether I was talking about you, use Google translator(your language to Chinese) to identify yourself. (To Peibol only, look for 帕布罗.)
And if you want to know if I was speaking ill of you ;) , you may as well try Google translator. But considering its poor performance regarding Chinese, I’ll reassure you that it is a translation mistake whatever you find. lol

Someday in the future, when I became a master in PERL, I would try to write my blog in PERL, so that your information would be completely safe with me. :D But our boss might still understand… lol

Yi.Curious.Shy.Happy.Meat-lover.Sleepy….[Let's omit the last name]

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3 条评论

  • At 2012.09.14 05:01, an anonymous intruder said:

    you forgot Little Panda, that’s the best nickname :P

    • At 2012.09.15 18:02, wei said:

      why it is easy to find ur blog? u use enchy as nickname too?

      • At 2012.09.16 04:46, enchy said:

        google account name…..

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